Note Taking Strategies for ADHD Adults
ADHD is not the same in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In fact, they can be quite radically different and involve completely different approaches to managing the condition. Note taking is one of the most essential planning skills for people with ADHD. For sure, anybody who suffers from ADHD should first note their age group before looking into the right way to tackle the condition.
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The Importance of the Environmental Factors
The reason for this age group distinction are the environmental factors that determine how ADHD is experienced. This is to be expected because there is no scientific consensus on what actually causes ADHD. Genetics are widely believed to play a key role, but environmental factors are also important. We cannot change our genetics, but we can change our environment.
That said, there is a set of environmental factors thatis usually common to all ADHD sufferers within a particular age range. For children with ADHD, the maximum care should be offered as the responsibilities (on the part of the child) are non-existent. Into adolescence, someone with ADHD now needs to navigate school.
Accordingly, school and the challenges it presents to ADHD sufferers make up the environmental factors for this age group. There are now increased responsibilities, but there is also a broad support network.
Adulthood brings with it the responsibilities of holding down a job, managing a relationship, and navigating the adult world with ADHD. This is the point of life when someone with ADHD must take the maximum responsibility, and that takes a whole series of coping mechanisms and skills.
The Importance of Note Taking for ADHD
Notetaking is a useful skill for those managing ADHD. One of the major problems ADHD sufferers need to deal with is the feeling of being overwhelmed. This happens because the proper mental organization of tasks is inhibited, and it simply becomes difficult to keep up.
Many things can help with this – companies such as Next Level Daily even produce a high-performance planner for those with ADHD – and they all involve writing things down. To organize tasks, an effective planner which sets achievable goals and a bearable daily workload is essential.
However, tasks require information. And sometimes a certain amount of preparation for an upcoming task needs to be done. You might need to prepare for a meeting, for example, or you might have to present something at work. For this preparation, getting all the information related to the tasks straight in your head is vital. And that requires effective ADHD-optimized notetaking.
Tips for Adult ADHD Note Taking
To get started, you should invest in a good ADHD planner with ample space for notes. Then, you can follow these tips to help you receive and retain information easier:
Externalize Information
When you are note taking, it’s very easy for something said or an item of information to begin an irrelevant train of thought. This can have you thinking about other things and not retaining the information. The trick is to focus solely on the clear details written down – they can be processed later.
Ask for Clarification
If you don’t understand some information, you could end up processing it incorrectly as your train of thought runs away. To make sure what you record is sound, always ask for clarification the moment you feel confused.
Color Code Your Notes
This can be especially useful for mentally compartmentalizing the information you receive. Try one color for information related to one topic or task and arrange your notes this way.
Adulthood brings with it the most challenges for ADHD sufferers, but with every challenge comes an effective strategy. Good notetaking is one of them.